• Aturna condimentum mattis pellentesque nibh tortor

    Original price was: kr. 80,00.Current price is: kr. 70,00.

    Straw yellow with greenish reflections, with a good aromatic intensity, and typical Piceno hills’ perfumes. Taste full, enveloping, with a good sour note that enhances its freshness.

  • Mollis nunc sed id semper risus in hendrerit

    Original price was: kr. 60,00.Current price is: kr. 45,00.

    Straw yellow with greenish reflections, with a good aromatic intensity, and typical Piceno hills’ perfumes. Taste full, enveloping, with a good sour note that enhances its freshness.

  • Fringilla Phasellus Faucus Scelerisque Eleifend Donec

    Original price was: kr. 60,00.Current price is: kr. 55,00.

    Straw yellow with greenish reflections, with a good aromatic intensity, and typical Piceno hills’ perfumes. Taste full, enveloping, with a good sour note that enhances its freshness.